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What Kind Of Person Should Try Paintball?

What Kind Of Person Should Try Paintball?
Paintball is an exciting, enjoyable and thoroughly rewarding pastime. However, it is also something that a lot of people never even try out. Some people just assume it's not really their 'thing'. Others aren't sure whether it would suit them or not and may even be quite interested but just never actually get around to trying it out.

This is a shame, because it means that many of the people who are most likely to enjoy paintball never even give it a go. In particular, paintball tends to hold a strong appeal for the following groups of people.

The generally sporty What Kind Of Person Should Try Paintball?

Paintball is, first and foremost, a sport. For this reason, it tends to hold a strong appeal for those who enjoy sports in general. It is, at the same time, similar to many other sports and unique in many ways. It is active, skilled, and involves teamwork just like a lot of other sports, but it also involves elements that are rarely if ever found in other sports such as effective terrain usage and a particular mixture of frenzy and patience.

The tactically-minded What Kind Of Person Should Try Paintball?

While paintball is undoubtedly an active pursuit, it still suits those who usually pride themselves on their ability to use their mind rather than their body. It is one of the most tactical and planning-heavy sports around. Regardless of whether they're a sharp-shooter or just an extra pair of hands when they're actually on the field, a smart tactician can be one of the single most useful assets to a team and can quite possibly be the one they have to thank for a resounding victory at the end of the game.

The busy professional What Kind Of Person Should Try Paintball?
Paintball was invented by a group that was largely made up of professionals such as a stockbroker and a contracting estimator. The original concept was using business skills transferably in a survival context. One of the reasons it grew to prominence was down to its usefulness as a business teambuilding exercise. Are you seeing a pattern here? Paintball has a lot to appeal to the professional person on several levels. Not only does it use and develop a lot of the same skills, especially teamworking abilities that will prove useful back in the office, but it also uses them in a context that makes a refreshing change from the weekday 9-5.

Just about anyone

As you might see from the big differences between the above groups, the appeal of paintball is pretty broad. It has a lot of very different elements that can attract a lot of different people. While the above groups are examples of the type of people who are especially likely to enjoy paintball, it is dificult to fit all the people who might like it into neat pigeonholes because it's a sport just about anyone may be able to enjoy if they are just willing to give it a try.

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