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Buy Now Pay Later With Klarna


What is Buy Now Pay Later and how does it work?


You can now Buy Now and Pay Later with Klarna both in-store and online with BZ Paintball and BZ Tactical. Whether you're shopping for Paintball or Airsoft equipment, you can choose to pay in 30 days or pay across 3 instalments.


It's simple to use. At checkout, select the Klarna option and log into your Klarna account. Then wait for your purchase to be delivered before paying in full.


Pay in 3

Split your purchases into 3 interest-free monthly payments. The first payment is made at the point of purchase, with the remaining payments scheduled automatically every 30 days. Your payments are automatically withdrawn from your connected card or bank account according to the agreed payment schedule, but you can make early payments anytime you wish.

Log in to the Klarna app to extend your due date. If you postpone your due date any upcoming payments for this order will be rescheduled to be withdrawn monthly from the new payment date.

The pending authorisation hold is released when the first payment is charged. Depending on your bank it can take 5 to 7 days for this to be reflected on your account.

Pay in 30

Make a purchase and wait for it to be delivered before paying. You only have to pay for what you keep.

Log in to the Klarna app for an overview of all your purchases. Navigate to Settings and follow the prompts to set up Autopay to ensure you never miss a payment.

Good to know: Missed payments and unpaid debts can incur fees and may be sent to debt collection. Contact us if you are experiencing financial difficulties – we are here to help.